Brandon CC Smith - Explainer Demo

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Brandon CC Smith - Explainer Demo

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General) North American (US West Coast - California, Portland) US African American


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Fiber Fast Homes. Ok. We know we know when you see us, you think, oh, this is gonna be a nightmare or we'll get in your way and put you behind schedule and leave a mess, right? Ok. Well, here's our promise to you backed by the full faith and credit of the Fiber Fast Home Super team. We work with construction teams and we talk to you more importantly, we listen with one goal in mind. Stay the heck out of your way while installing in the most efficient way possible. A net zero economy is one that emits no more greenhouse gasses than it removes from the atmosphere. It requires real world emissions reductions without the use of purchased offsets for any company embarking on this transition organization and planning is essential. It requires a detailed abatement plan, one that outlines operational, strategic and capital components of how solutions will be implemented to abate current submissions. Ok. So we know from experience that all rappers can get a bit wild but some are crazier than others, even though it's important to protect yourself. Some rappers took it a step too far and exposed their activities on camera. So here's a look at a few reckless rappers who have gotten themselves into trouble for being careless with the gun. Human safety currently sits at a critical juncture accentuated and impacted by a global population that recently surpassed eight billion people as a planet. We're at an inflection point and the time to take a stand is now to build resilience for a sustainable future to advance individual and societal health and to promote safety at the human digital interface. These aren't just the grand challenges of today. They are the grand challenges that will impact the human condition for generations to come. Boost your confidence. Before a job interview, if you're nervous for a job interview, just know that you're not alone. 93% of people experience interview, anxiety, manage your nerves before the interview with these tips. One. So back in the eighties, they called it the war on drugs with marijuana. Just lumped together with all the other drugs, a plant that had been used for centuries for medicinal purposes. A drug far less harmful than alcohol and actually beneficial to many. Even the commission that Nixon appointed to study the drug issue recommended that marijuana be decriminalized. The report's findings were of course ignored.