Film trailer for The British Film Makers Guild

Movie Trailers


A cinematic film trailer for The British Film Makers Guild, showcasing the images of home grown talent with a deep, charismatic voiceover with music.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


British (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
journey isn't just about getting from a to B A vision isn't something that can be bought. A revolution doesn't just happen. Our journey started with a vision which led to a revolution a revolution which is changing the film industry as we know it. We strive to deliver quality value on DH effectiveness in everything we do building long lasting relationships on an understanding off your brand way are big enough to cope on small enough to care with our team of in house industry experts, we will ensure your journey is an armchair experience Working with PLC EAS Teo s Emmys with clients such as Ticketmaster on the R a C thru toe Endsley and flyby No client is too big or too small Join us on our journey as we revolutionise the film industry way make film accessible toe way are great British film makers