Oasis HDTV Radio Campaign

Radio Ad


This was a radio campaign for HDTV a Nature Channel for whom I record all the on air imaging.

Vocal Characteristics




North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
on television with hundreds of available channels. There is only one Oasis oasis HD Britain doesn't have one. Neither do France, Germany, Australia, China or the United States. What is it? It's Oasis HD Nature television in high definition. This commercial free Sunday on Jazz FM 91 is brought to You by Oasis HD Seen nature in all its glory on Oasis HD. Now you can see nature as nature intended in stunning high definition on Oasis. HD Dictionary defines the word Oasis has something serving as a relief for pleasant change. From what? A usual that's Oasis HD. You might not get to the sarin getting or dive for sunken treasure on Bimini or climb K two R Everest. But with Oasis HD, you'll soar to new heights. It's nature television in stunning, brilliant high definition. There's nothing else like this in the world