European English by Dutch VoiceOver talent

Video Narration


Sometimes you need an accent that's different from British or American English. That's when his clients book Arno to do the VoiceOver.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)




Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
the world is changing, people are changing. Our planet is changing. We face the greatest challenges of our lifetime. We also need to step up and change. We can be the change that people need to fulfill our purpose, making the world a better place together. It's not about following a playbook. It's about being real, thinking and feeling people. Because that's what Oracle Direct is a collection of the greatest people in the industry. We're going to be pushing hard to continue to recruit great people and working to make sure that Oracle direct is the kind of place where people want to stay for good. Why not visit Denmark, the land of everyday wonder? The power of digital technologies redefines how we innovate and what we can achieve. It will take all of us to realize our powerful vision of the future.