English voice over - Corporate Film

Profile photo for ANGEL SHIJOY
Not Yet Rated


Copy that describes ones experience in a dreamy mood & product explainer narrative.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


Indian (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
I experienced life. I experienced fantasy. I experienced tradition. I feel fresh. I feel new waiting. InterLiga selfie is all about maximum benefit and minimum conception. Not even a single drop goes in Wayne. And you will get all the goodness of InterLiga Branca. Wait, Wait. I forgot to tell you something. Once you finished running the selfie on your scalp, give a gentle massage. Do a scalp with your fingertips to spread the oil evenly so that it becomes more effective. In Ito Fertility Monitor is a smartphone connected device that identifies up to six fertile days of your cycle. It comes with the Neto app and test rapes, which make it's easy to track ovulation without stepping out of your home. Go ahead, track your fertile dates with Neto and maximises your chances of getting pregnant.