Online Video Advert

Profile photo for Alice O
Not Yet Rated
Television Ad


Recording used by Adobe.

I was required to do multiple versions in different tones and this is what my client settled on.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


British (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Hi, I'm the CMO the future here to share a vision for tomorrow. We have a new generation of customer who wants to be part of the conversation, Not sit back or be talked at collaborators, creators, content makers. We are constantly evolving to meet them where they are new ways of interacting new environments. Virtual spaces, emotional intelligence, empathy. These are our superpowers. And in tomorrow's world spontaneity is key brands are expected to provide experiences, ecosystems and create communities. It's time to rethink C. X and start engaging with customers at scale. The future starts Now. Are you ready?