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Book review, Quiet by Susan Cain. The power of introvert in a world that can't stop talking

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Young Adult (18-35)




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The book's title is quiet by Susan Cain and it took Susan Cain seven years to complete this book. The subtitle is the power of introverts in a world that can't stop talking basically from the subtitle. I can say that it summarizes what the book is all about and with no psychology background reading this book made me feel like I'm learning to know myself all over again from different point of view from other perspectives. And then I realized that actually I am part of introverted person and if you are an introverted person, you are going to love this book Because it relates to you personally. Mm hmm. And generally our society has made this thing that in order for you to be successful in order for you to be a good leader, you need to be an extroverted person. You must be outspoken, you need to be outgoing. You need to be a sociable person they said but when you read this book this is not the case. It will tell you just to be yourself. And I love that idea. It's not that I don't like introvert extrovert person and it's not like that being an introvert is bad or wrong. No, no at all. Not at all. Don't get me wrong if it's just what feels right about you and right now by joining this club Actually I am now part of the world that can't stop talking and believe

