The language of God

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Young Adult (18-35)




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Yes, everything in the universe is flying apart. If I think the arrow of time would predict that at some point all of these Galaxies were together in one credibility massive, entitled how Pulse observations started at a yoga experimental measurements that over the last 70 years have led to the conclusions by the vast majority of physicists and cosmologists that the universe began a single moment. Commonly, no effort to have a big man calculation suggested it happened approximately 15 billion years ago. A particularly a particularly important documentations of these correctness of this theory was provided rather accidentally by our own Penzias and Robert Wilson in 1965 when they detected what to pair to be an annoying background of microwave signals. Regardless, affairs appointed their new dictator. After ruling out all other possible causes, Penzias and Wilson ultimately realized that this background noise was coming from the universe itself and that it should present it precisely the kind of afterglow that one would expect to find as consequence of big bank arising from inhalations of matter and antimatter in early moments of exploding universe. Additional compelling evidence of the correctness of the Big Bang theory has been provided by the ratio of certain elements throughout the universe, particularly hydrogen, deuterium and helium. The abundance of uranium is remarkably constant from nearby Start, with a fantasy pulling Galaxies near Over, Over and Horizon's. That finding is consistent with all the with all after universities geometry, um, having been form that unbelievably higher temperatures in a single, even during the Big Bang. If there were multiple such humors in different locations and times, we would not expect such uniformity.