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What is VoiceMatch™?
How does VoiceMatch™ Work?
How and When Are Invitations to Jobs Sent?


What Is VoiceMatch™ ?

VoiceMatch™ is our proprietary matching algorithm that matches clients with the most qualified talent for their job and matches talent with the jobs best-suited to their skills. 


How Does VoiceMatch™ Work?

VoiceMatch™ takes into account a number of factors beginning with your profile and demos. Ensuring you completely fill out your profile and upload quality demos with the maximum number of accurate tags will set you up with a strong foundation. 

VoiceMatch™ then tracks your progress as you respond to jobs and achieve steps like being shortlisted, building up a picture, rewarding quality effort and engagement, and sending you jobs you have the best chance of being hired for.

Over time, you'll build up a performance history on Voices, which is made up of many things, including your previous interactions with clients and the attributes of jobs that you've been most successful in booking or being shortlisted for. VoiceMatch™ continues to build a picture and sends the best matches to you - those you have the highest likelihood of successfully booking.

Quick Tip: Demos are what you upload to your profile to showcase your work. You want to have at least one demo per voice over skill, but more are certainly encouraged. 

The more filled out your profile and demo information, the better matched jobs you’ll see. Ensure you have a complete profile and well-tagged demos and portfolio samples. For more information visit this blog post on profiles and this FAQ

Your MyHome dashboard will tell you if you’re missing any information on your profile and portfolio samples. 


How and When Are Invitations to Jobs Sent?

You’ll find jobs you’re matched to on your Hiring page. Easily navigate to your jobs through your MyHome or by selecting Jobs > Hiring. If you have email notifications for job invitations turned on, you’ll also see email notifications in your personal email inbox.

Job invitation notifications are generated, queued, and sent to all matched talent a few seconds after a job is approved. 

To ensure your notifications are not delayed or redirected as spam, try adding "[email protected]" to your Contacts or Safe Sender list. For more information on responding to jobs, check out this FAQ.



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Article Number
First Published
04/03/2023 14:05
Last Modified
04/03/2023 14:05
All (Talent)
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