Account Settings

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Changing Your Account Password
Changing Your Email Address
Adjusting Your Email Settings

Changing Your Account Password

To change your Voices password, you will need to do one of the following:

  1. Sign in to your Voices account and hover over the ‘Me’ avatar in the top navigation bar, then select Account Settings.
    • Select the ‘Change Password’ option and follow the onscreen instructions. Be sure to save changes when you're done entering the information.
  2. If you have forgotten your password you can click on the Forgot Your Password link on the Login page, which will redirect you to a page where you can enter your email address. A link will then be sent to your email address to reset your password. You will need to know the email address you used to sign up.

Changing Your Email Address

You can change the email address associated with your account at Voices by doing the following:

  1. Log in to your Voices account.
  2. Hover over the ‘Me’ avatar in the top navigation bar and select Account Settings. 
  3. Once in Account Settings, select General Settings from the sidebar menu and you'll be able to update your email address in the Contact Information section. Make sure to click ‘Save Edits’ when you're done. 

Adjusting Your Email Settings

You can update your Email Settings in your account by doing the following:

1. Log in to your Voices account.
2. Hover over the 'Me' avatar in the top navigation bar and select Account Settings. 
3. You'll see Notifications in the sidebar menu and can adjust your preferences there.

Quick Tip: You can choose to stop receiving updates on news, offers, and events from Voices, and you can choose to stop receiving notifications related to jobs you post. Keep in mind that opting out of this option means you won't receive notifications when your job postings have been responded to, or when your finished files have been uploaded. You would need to continue to log in to Voices to check on these updates.

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Article Number
First Published
10/04/2021 10:29
Last Modified
10/07/2021 08:11
All (Client)
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