Tech Stories

Profile photo for Steve Scott
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Video Narration


This was one in a series of outreach videos for a campaign aimed at building a larger audience for CTE Connectivity.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Every time you board an airplane or enter a crowded stadium, you're trusting that the security technology will sort out the harmful items from the smartphones and baby rattles. The peace of mind these scanners bring is largely due to the work of Dr Many genres. Iggy As a young Iranian mother of three and a quantum physicist, Dr Ray Ziggy had a strong curiosity and passion for science. Her research letter to Terra Hertz, a wavelength that was largely dismissed in the scientific community because it was deemed impractical due to how much energy it took to keep an environment cool enough to utilize it. Dr. Rosicky saw an opportunity using idiom Foss fied. As a semiconductor, she discovered a new way to harness terror hurts waves at room temperature in a device not much larger than a lunchbox. And now we can see the world in ways we never could before. Terra Hertz waves allow us to see inside objects in ways that aren't harmful to humans like X rays. We can now safely scan luggage and people to check for harmful devices, keeping us safe in more ways than one. So the next time you board a flight or attend a concert, shock up that extra sense of security to the untold story of Dr Magnesia Rosicky and how her semiconductor discovery helped make the world a safer place.