Restaurant 360

Profile photo for Steve Scott
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Restaurant 360 is the software platform designed for restaurant owners and managers!

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Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


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Today across our 17 locations, managers can schedule and pay invoices with one click straight from their mobile phones. Payments are issued next business day and HQ sleeps easy knowing strong anti fraud measures work in the background but it wasn't always like this before we lived and breathed paper checks, receipts and invoices. Our A P was a huge time sink of effort searching reconciling in the end not being able to predict cash flow today. That never happens because we use restaurant 365 S A P automation suite to capture approve and pay vendor invoices. Every bill payment approval past present future open closed is centrally available with permissions based roles to allow seamless chains of approval as a manager. Nowadays, restocks or counts are quicker. Why? Because line item details are entered into invoices for me leading to a faster and more accurate approval process and with pre approved purchasing amounts from HQ I continue with my day without waiting on approvals A P used to be hours printing checks, stuffing and licking envelopes, getting them in the mail with R 365 payments. All my A P invoices are paid with the click of a button and it scales across every location, less data collection with restaurant 365 S automation. My focus shifted from collecting and inputting data to reporting on how the business is growing, what's working and what's not. Restaurant. 365 reconciles vendor bank, an internal process giving you a full accounting solution without any redundant data entry. And you can earn rebates by paying through virtual card or by check. Whatever your vendors prefer, minimize fraud, maximize cash flow and make your A P team happier by using restaurant 365 A P automation suite for your restaurants. Talk to us now.