A Forest Story

Profile photo for Steve Scott
Acheivement Badges Top Talent


This was VO work done for an animation explaining the sustainable and eco-friendly way for the lumber industry to move forward. Real Person.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
thing is the story of a forest like any forest for basically ever. It just did would force do and everything that happened in it all. Natural bugs, natural plant and animal species, natural fire. It was natural to and the trees themselves. They grew naturally. One day people came along on they discovered that the forest was not only beautiful, but it was an abundant natural resource. At first, the forest and the people seem to get along just fine. But over time, some of the natural things in the forest were interrupted like fire, and many of the biggest fire resistant trees were cut down. And all the while the forest just kept growing unnatural. Over time it became overgrown and prone to bug infestation and disease. The force became sick. Many of the natural things in the forest went a little haywire. Make that a lot haywire. Things were looking pretty bleak, but then something amazing happened. Land managers, Ecologists, environmentalists and even the timber industry sat down together at the same table and collaborated. There was a lot of listening and learning, but in the end they agreed the forest had become unhealthy with too many trees, and we can do something about it. The plan was made to thin areas of the forest that needed it the most big trees were left, and the small ones were brought to market. The value of building green was clear. They could build energy efficient buildings, reduce their carbon footprint and even store carbon. And that's when it hit everybody and helping the forest get back to natural. The forest was helping us to find out more about how commercial thinning can help our forests. Goto healthy forests dot org's yeah.