Commercial Demo

Profile photo for Steve Pearson
Not Yet Rated
Radio Ad


The demo showcases my breadth of abilities demonstrating how I can create more than just one persona in a read.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Morgan Stanley doing the research. Getting you more Visit morgan Stanley dot com today. What you mean Mom's not home? How do you get to get the soccer practice? Fine. How come pick you up? Whip up some of those. What are the hot pockets? Think about it right now. You're here. Who could be there for over there? Affordable tours dot com Honey, I think it's great You want to go out tonight. Take my car. Yes, it's a Volvo. Yes, it's the safest car on the road today. Be back by 10. I needed a P A. One that would travel well and sound great with sweet waters. Live phone support. I was up in jamming. No time. Yeah, I have arthritis, but you couldn't tell, could you? That's because I use bare extra strength arthritis pain relief. You could go with a seven iron, but I think it drivers a better choice. This man knows nothing about golf. Well, what's your handicap, anyway? But yesterday he went to sports authority. I prefer a center line putter