Narration Demo


Vocal Characteristics




British (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
I'm snow. How Martin. For decades along the flanks of Kilimanjaro, families have flowed from the today highlands bangle on a Midlands to the room affair. A genie River valley is one way to cope in times of drought and hunger, as in any family, the decision to move Israeli an easy one. The storeys you are about to step into our riel. They may make you uncomfortable. You will see things that you don't want to see. You will hear things that you will not forget. You will be challenged to change the way you view the world. When schools are not available, Children will simply not receive the education they need to improve their lives. That is why Central Asia Institute is focusing on building schools in this region. Now is the time to eliminate the health hazards, recycle waste and turn crap into valuable resource is today Our toilets can't do that. But the toilet of tomorrow can reinventing the toilet. Let's get out way. All need to take action. So poor people struggling to achieve food security can make informed free decisions to stay or move as they strive to improve their well being. Positive change starts now with better knowledge, stronger choices and real solutions solutions based on knowing the impacts of how and where the rain falls.