Audiobooks_Children's Fiction_How to Tame your Dragon


Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


British (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
they had been following the boys for a while. It's just so whispered Fire worm, her tongue flickering menacingly. What do we do now? Then the power is shifting on this island. The masters will not be masters for much longer. They are trapped like lobsters, in a way, are not. We can fly whenever we want. Do we obey or do away? This is dragons are not the sort of creatures to back a loser. Whatever we do, grumbled bright Chlo, Let's do it quickly. My wings are freezing up. We could kill the boys now and take him as an offering to the new master suggested sea slug with a grunt of greedy pleasure. What that great green devil on the beach? Said horror cow placidly. I don't like the look of him myself. He has two big and appetite we might find ourselves is the next offering. We fly then, said Bright Claw, and the others murmured. Their agreement says the silence hissed Fire worm! These islands are perilous, she snood. We might fly from one danger straight into the mouth of another. I say we obey until we are sure that they are lost. When that time comes, I will give the signal for us to dissect. And so as if from nowhere. Fire Woman sea slug. Horror Cow and killer bright claw on Alec A. Tiger and all the other dragons flew out of their hiding place and came circling slowly up to the highest point, landing on each boy's outstretched arm. Last of all came toothless, complaining horribly. Ah, dragons, said Hiccup, and he explained the fiendishly clever plan.