Potpourri of campaigns

Profile photo for Jon James
Acheivement Badges Superstar
Radio Ad


This highlights a couple of TV new stations I work with as well as campaigns I've been involved both locally and nationally. From direct response to emotional, including dry and fully produced.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
This'll is TV five. Primetime news on the CW Over 600 million has already been spending main on economic and job stimulus. But exactly where are the jobs? How can you find one right now? Retraining, Retooling, Rethinking TV five Steam coverage has the answers to help your family. Bob's back and it's a new day for TV 20 News. A new Good afternoon North Central Florida I'm Bob Williams now. TV 20 Zone. Bob Williams is back on the anchor desk. Imagine one day you go to use your A T M card. And instead of money, the A T M machine tells you to contact your bank. Something seriously wrong. You know you have money. So where is that? This is the difference a letter can make in a child's life. Whether there are a few sentences or several paragraphs, your letters give them hope, joy and confidence because someone who's never even met them cares. Get ready for something. Big Cat Auction Services is coming to Kissimmee, Florida, for our biggest unreserved public auction ever of construction equipment and trucks hosted by Ring Power