Quirky Witty Deadpan Corporate Youthful Fastpaced Casual Cool

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Deadpan ad for quirky board game, environmental company ad with British accent, warm, corporate read, fast paced youthful read for airline.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


British (General) North American (Canadian - West) North American (General) North American (US West Coast - California, Portland)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Hello. Hello. Hello, I'm dead, that's me. That could be you introducing zombie kittens. A game where you explode and then come back to life and then maybe explode again. This is one for the jaw droppers, side splitters, tear jerkers for the watch parties. Big wins, bigger discoveries. Michael is the owner of a waste holding company in los Angeles California. By the very nature of the waste industry. His industrial site will contain collected waste, which pollutes the storm water when it rains, 95% less plastic around your organic greens isn't just less, it's a lot less introducing our new plant based tray S and P. Global market Intelligence has a special focus on financial institutions data for over 10 years. The SNL banker solution has served community banks and credit unions across the US life is full of surprises like our amazing raven deals on last minute bookings starting at just $94.01 way book by july 29th. To take advantage of our low fares. Travel valid july 23rd through august 6th visit fly raven dot com. For details, seats are limited and other restrictions apply