LinkedIn Campaign 2013
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EnglishVoice Age
Young Adult (18-35)Accents
British (General)Transcript
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as a recruiting professional. How do you maximise your presence on linked in the world's largest professional network to influence potential candidates at every touch point on the network your future employees are on lengthen on. Most of them are passive candidates. Here's how you can feed to your jobs and your employment brand to just the right candidates in just the right context. Meet Lori, a marketing manager for a technology company. She's a typical passive candidates. He's not thinking about her next career opportunity that uses linked into network and keep up with news related to her current job. Every time Laurie logs into her linked in home page, she not only sees a stream of relevant jobs, but she could also see this. A Lincoln recruitment ad. The perfect opportunity to make a strong first impression is a vivid, personalised medium to let passive candidates like Laurie. Now you're hiring for jobs that love Lori clicks through to learn more about your company, giving you a chance to promote one of your most valuable hiring assets. Your employment brand, your linked in career paid gives you all the tools you'll need to showcase your company. The moment a potential candidate. Like Lori arrives. She sees jobs that much her exact background testimonials for employees in the same marketing role she's in on other assets, like video tours and interviews. The career page brings your company to life, showing Laurie what it's really like to work there on people she may want to connect with. Lori wasn't considering new employment opportunities a few weeks ago, but today she sees an update from Shannon, the marketing manager from your company that she recently connected with lengthened members frequently visit the profiles of other members, just like Lori is now with Linked in You can own the ad space on your employees profile pages to better engage passive candidates with relevant job opportunities on dure employment brand. Laurie is delighted to see a picture of herself alongside a new job listing. That's a perfect fit for Lori. There's only one more thing to do. You, too, can build an ongoing rappel with passive candidates like Lori across multiple touch points on linked in. To learn more visit talent dot linked in dot com forward slash media To learn more, visit talent dot linkedin dot com forward slash media