Below Stairs - Downton Abbey's audiobook
Vocal Characteristics
EnglishVoice Age
Middle Aged (35-54)Accents
British (General)Transcript
Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
In my first months there, I made one mistake after the other. I particularly remember one day when I was doing the front door was a bit late. This particular morning. The newsboy came with the papers. As I went to put them on the whole table, Mrs Clydesdale came down the stairs. I went to Hunt in the papers. She looked at me as if I was something subhuman. She didn't speak a word. She just stood there looking at me as though she could hardly believe that someone like me could be walking and breathing. I thought, What's the matter? I've got a cap on. I've got my apron on. I've got my black stockings and shoes. I couldn't think what was wrong. Then, at last she spoke. She said, Langley, never, never, on any occasion ever hand anything to me in your bare hands. Always use a silver salver. Surely you know better than that. Your mother was in service. Didn't you teach you anything? I thought it was terrible. Tears started to trickle down my cheeks that someone could think that you were so low that you couldn't even hand them anything out of your hands. without it first being placed on a silver salver between George and Mr Wei, the butler. There was always a sort of feud going on. I think it was partly jealousy because, being the only two men in the house, they vied for attention from the servants. Mr. Wade used to think that George's manner and his speech were crude and vulgar, while George thought that Mr Wade, with his soft voice in his lily white hands, was no sort of a man. It all he used to say that Sierra to bath and dress the old bugger upstairs. What kind of job is that for a man, I'd defend Mr Wade. Well, you drive him around, don't you? Oh, he said, That's different on DH. I've seen you took him in the back like you were talking of a baby. I couldn't say too much as I was only a kitchen maid. Then he'd say, Wade's no kind of a man. It'll no wonder you never got married. They probably could never have performed a feared