Whispering Vines (Sample)

Profile photo for Manuela Farina
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ENG audition for E-Book

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Italian (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
what is? She intrigued him. So one minute he resented her, and the next he was amused. Before Nicholas could ponder his feelings, Alex was back with an old worn leather book. In her end, she handed the journal to him and inspected it so he was hold. It could see that the ink was still eligible. He flipped through some pages and noticed half a child. The cover Monday. Where? What did you find this? He asked as it turned it over. His hand in the barn, she answered. He was happen. The laughed. How heated with my foot and funded, covered with Stroh. What a strange place for you to be, he remarked. I thought so, too, unless that's where she hit it. But to be there for so many years and not to be found. How can that be? I don't know. But it was almost like, Well, you think I'm silly? She looked away. No, I will not, he insisted Al Excite, and looked at the book in his hands. He was almost like she led me to it like I was meant to find it. Nicholas milder her words and at the way the blush once again spread across her cheeks. See, you think I'm not? She said. No, he assured her. I do not. I think you're hoping to hold on to someone. You last. He took her hand and leather to the couch, trying to ignore the ways on hand. Tingled at the touch. Let us see, he said as he opened the book. Alex listened as it translate the first page, huh? A young woman in love. Are you making me really romance book? Nicholas teased the flirting. There's resumed. Shut up and keep reading, she said with annoyance. I do not think I can do both. He teased again. Enjoy the way Miss Barks go off in her eyes. Is that an American thing? To be able to speak and remain quiet at the same time? She shot him a nasty look and he given Okay, I will keep reading, he read. The next page, are allowed in Italian and done handed to Alex. You look at the words and I will tell you what he said. She moved closer to him and have the book open for them both to see. He relayed senior starts to her December 23rd 1942. I saw him again today, the handsome young man who was helping of the winter market. We got a light dusting of snow last night, which is no usual to stamp of year. And I was hurrying the cold to get some meat for mother. School is out for the holiday and the Christmas stands at Our Lady of the Roses is tonight we be there. I cannot help wondering. I think he smiled at me when he saw me. I like to think it did.