Tour Yellow (3 takes)



An engaging short story

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
My sources tell me my used to ride motorcycles back in the day. So he's out on the highway. I-40 cruising when boom Lightning split the tree 50 yards ahead of him. He guns it full throttle to and zooms underneath the tree before it hits the ground. His killer instinct saved his life in this part. The lightning design cheese. My sources tell me my used to ride motorcycles back in the day. So he's out on the highway. I-40 cruising win. Boom Lightning split the tree 50 yards ahead of him. He guns it full throttle to and zooms underneath the tree before he hits the ground. His killer instinct saved his life and inspired the lighting design. She's my sources tell me my used to ride motorcycles back in the day. So he's out on the highway. I-40 cruising when boom Lightning split the tree 50 yards ahead of him, he guns it full throttle to and zooms underneath the tree before it hits the ground. His killer instinct saved his life and inspired the lightning design. She's