13. Noisy Podcast Cleaned Up and Enhanced


Vocal Characteristics




Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
original podcast file. Low volume lots of noise and pee pops. Hello? Uh, my name's Skeeto, man. I'm here, Jeff Populace or Java Pulis. I should say I always say the wrong way for some reason. Um, 2006 with Roger Catan. That's how I pronounce that right? Good time, Contain Always say like kiddie in. But that's not it. So I'm just butchering his name. So, Roger contain, uh, and the coast spec lead for JSF, and we're gonna talk a little bit about jobs. Server faces 1.2 in two point. Oh, and kind of where Ah, Roger sees JSF going in the future. So the first question Roger is can you just tell people about yourself? You are what you dio kind of what your background is. Thank you very much, Kato. Um I'm a step. My name is Roger Contain. I'm a staff engineer at Sun Microsystems and podcast Audio. After a noise reduction and sound enhancement. Hello. My name's Skeeto, man. I'm here at Jeff Populace or Java Pulis. I should say I always say the wrong way for some reason. Um, 2006 with a Roger Catan this high, pronounce it right, Tom Contain. Always say, like kiddie in That's not it. So I'm just butchering his name. So, Roger contain, uh, and the coast spec lead for JSF, and we're going to talk a little bit about jobs. Server faces 1.2 in two point. Oh, and kind of where Ah, Roger sees JSF going in the future. So the first question Roger is can you just tell people about yourself? You are what you dio kind of what your background is. Thank you very much. Kato. Um, I'm a step. My name is Roger Contain. I'm a staff engineer at Sun Microsystems and