Multiple Character Voices

Profile photo for Keith Jarvis
Not Yet Rated


Various characters of different backgrounds, ages and professions.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Hi. Hi. Hello, Bunge, or my name is Keith. And this is my voice real. This here is your model 6 14 plastic yogurt cup. No, to know spoon marks or rather curious Adi to find in the garbage can. Today I like deer and I'm a big fan of using mob big goods on some big Waffen dear, welcome to my laboratory. Here you'll find a collection of our six dark and mysterious. So, like the other day, I was looking for my sandals bra, and I was like, Where's my last words? Because all I could find were right was, and it was the weirdest thing. Hello. My name is Dr Candyland and in my candy land office. We have lots of different Candies for you to choose from. But my personal favorites are the tide I once have. You ever sit down in front of a mirror and wondered, How is it doing? Well? I've been sitting here for two weeks trying to figure it out, and I still don't have a clue how it works. This pans, who has all kinds animals. We got chickens, we got goats and we even having out packer from Paro I like to drink wine and eat chocolate while I take a bath. Oh, Nancy, come to the bath. Don't forget about me. I will make you see sound. I will make you hear color We will die tonight.