Female Video Game

Profile photo for Hilary E
Not Yet Rated


\"The Platadorian Princess is a video game intended for players who are 16 years of age and older. It takes place in the 17th century when the mining of silver made many people very rich, very quickly. The game follows one princess in her travels to Water’s Edge – a city whose king intends to claim new land everywhere his army travels. The princess is tired of watching her father – the King of Platador – lose battles against the strong rival, and has decided to stealthily confront the King of Water’s Edge herself.\"

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Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
my father, the King of Plata has suffered greatly at the hands of the water's edge. King and his army. As my father's only kin, I must travel to the water's edge and convinced their king to bypass Plata door on their next crusade. If they choose to pay no heed to my dissuasion, they will know the valor of the plateau. Dorian Princess.