Surviving A Nation In Crisis

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This book was written by a woman who felt that she had been touched by the hand of God when she visited Mount Rushmore in South Dakota and had a life-changing experience in what God was telling her to accomplish.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
The following are excerpts of the new book written by Linda Thomas. Owner Surviving a Nation in Crisis Book Segment one reveals the words given to Linda Mount Rushmore on April 1999. God did reveal to Linda the meaning of these words for all of us to survive the coming days ahead. America did not happen by chance. Peace, Peace is what we must find. God is still with us. Book Segment two is an update on current event happenings since Linda's first book in 2000 and four, God revealed additional word to Linda to help us continue to survive the coming days ahead. We pray fully. Thank you for listening to these excerpts. Should you have any questions or comments for Linda, please feel free to contact her. Linda Thomas Zoellner, author of Surviving a Nation in Crisis. In her own Words 1996 I had a successful real estate business, five offices and 80 sales associates. At the age of 30 I was feeling low and not at peace with my life and knew there was something missing. I had heard about the Christian born again movement. I began to pray and ask God to come into my life and become my personal savior and guide and direct me in his will. I felt his presence so strong in my heart. I began to hear him tell me my real estate business was going to become very successful, and I was to use my financial gains to reach others. In 1999 I heard from God again. He directed me to go to Mount Rushmore and to be their Easter Sunday, April 4th, 1999. I trusted in him because my business has become so successful, and I knew I should follow through. At the time, I did not know why I asked my 80 year old mother to go with me, and she agreed. We traveled many miles from Florida and had snowy weathered along the way. But we arrived there to be at Mount Rushmore, Easter Sunday. When I went to the mountain, I did not know why I was there, and then I heard from him again through my heart, with the following words