EPA CHEMICALS - Upbeat Informational Narrator

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EPA CHEMICALS - Upbeat Informational Narrator

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM) North American (US Midwest- Chicago, Great Lakes) North American (US West Coast - California, Portland)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
chemicals play an important role in our everyday lives, from cleaning products to the manufacturing process is used to make things like electron, ICS, plastics and other consumer goods. Ensuring the safety of these chemicals is part of E. P. A s mission of protecting human health in the environment while allowing America's economy to grow. The Toxic Substances Control Act, or Tosca, is our nation's primary chemicals management law. Under this law, E P. A. Reviews the safety of chemicals being used in the market. E p A. Prioritizes then reviews thes existing chemicals using a risk based approach with a special focus on protecting more vulnerable groups like Children and workers. Tosca also requires e p A. To review the safety of new chemicals before they're allowed on the market. A lot of products like smartphones, detergents and automobiles keep getting better because companies develop new chemical substances that improve the performance of materials in products. E. P. A. Is committed to providing the public with information on chemicals, including how they're used, any potential risks and steps the agency is taking to prevent those risks. The Toxics release Inventory and Cam View database are examples of tools the public can use to find chemical information through these efforts, EPA's goals are to boost transparency, provides certainty for businesses and increase public confidence in chemical safety.