African Accent - Kenyan - AFRICAN DRIVERS : Lion Lights Story Documentary NARRATOR

Movie Trailers


Brian Stivale is the Narrator ( Gen African Accent ) ( Kenyan ) for the Award-Winning Documentary , \" AFRICAN DRIVERS : The Lion Lights Story \". Here Brian Showcases some of the \"Driver's\" Storyteller Voice. The Accent is Kenya / General African .

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Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


African (General) North African (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
When the first missionaries arrived in Africa, they had the Bible way had the land. This said, let us pray, closed our eyes. And when we opened them, way had a Bible and they had the land. Lions are for the government with the livestock off for the Messiah, the main source of income in an economy based on tourism. What do you think if I told you a 13 year old boy was going to change everything? Well, 13 year old witches Terreri Richard Corretta, Inventor. Welcome to the chairs, so interview. Thank you, Don.