Bryan Carmody - Evergreen, Inspiring, Authentic, Storyteller

Video Narration


This is a recent piece I voiced for a company who produced a Brand Launch for their company around the \"Evergreen Principals\" of companies that have grown and thrived through varying economic conditions.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM) North American (US Midwest- Chicago, Great Lakes)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
the humble evergreen, an icon of longevity, day in and day out, it reaches ever upward growing, striving constant while other trees changes. The months passed the Evergreen Weathers the varying seasons. It's these years. It experiences generations, and through it all, it remains strong. Dependable for hundreds of years and towering hundreds of feet tall, the evergreen has become a beacon, a symbol of things that not only endure but prosper. The scene could be said for an evergreen business. Think about those companies that have been around for generations, providing great jobs and security for the long term, not just giving back to their communities but giving more to their communities. These businesses have become the beacons, symbols of what it means to not only endure but prosper and what makes them evergreen. There are seven qualities. The first is purpose. It's the drive that comes from the core belief that the business exists for something greater than money, and that by living out one's purpose fully money becomes a natural byproduct. It's about wanting to make a difference and put a dent in the universe. Then there's perseverance, having the will and vision to play the long game. It's the resilience required to overcome obstacles and keep pursuing your mission indefinitely, regardless of economic downturns and industry cycles. Great leaders who persevere set up their organizations to succeed beyond their own lifetimes, and the benefits to their employees in the world are extraordinary. Evergreen companies also put people first. This may seem self explanatory, but it's the belief that by taking care of your employees, they will take care of your customers, partners and communities. When people are put first, interactions move from transactional to transformation, and a loyalty is fostered that will span generations private. Being privately held gives a business all sorts of competitive advantages. It means the team can plan and strategize on much longer time horizons and allows the freedom to do what is right.