Narration Demo Reel
Vocal Characteristics
EnglishVoice Age
Middle Aged (35-54)Accents
North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM) US African AmericanTranscript
Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
In this world, there is really evil in the darkest shadows, and in the most ordinary places, there are doors. When they are opened, nightmares become reality. A select group of more than 1000 women pilots became pioneers, heroes and role models. They were the women Air Force Service pilots, or WASP, the first women in history trained to fly American military aircraft. One musical lock foreign. Born in the city where roots in Jamaica, dancehall music embraced the spirit of competition like no other, creating a provocative world of words, taunts and insults. This musical art form would create a culture called hip hop, and thus began the battle of emcees. The deer approaches the opening, unaware of the Cougars presence. Slowly and quietly, Chuka creeps toward his prey. Here in a tweet crack, the deer turns and faces impending danger. There is no time to run before the six foot long, £200 male cougar pounces on its back and bites its neck. We the people. It's the 1st 3 words of the most important document in American history, but more than that, it is the most important document of our present and future. When the founding Fathers met in Philadelphia, way back in 17 87 they fought. They argue. They worked and prayed