Ashley Bontorno Commercial Demo

Profile photo for Ashley Bontorno
Not Yet Rated
Television Ad


Ashley adds energy and professionalism to each project with her engaging sound.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Well, look at that. Your rates went up again at L. A bank. This is how we do things right now. We're offering 2.2% a p y on all online savings accounts, which is 18 times the rate of the bank you're at now Travel Europe comfortably in a Eurostar train. This high speed railway service will connect you from London to Paris, Amsterdam to Brussels and many more top European destinations. It's hard to stay focused. I start to crash. What? We'll be right there, sweetie. So what do I do? I reach for some five hour energy drink and everything feels manageable. Casa Mia is an FDA approved prescription weight loss medicine that works with diet and regular activity, helping you lose up to £20 or more. If you've been diagnosed as overweight or obese, why are you talking like that? Oh, honey, going back to bed without me now. Where were we? You taste so wonderful. Whether you're a caramel soft it ice cream bar or butter pecan ice cream. Haagen Dazs. Also, I adore you at the Keller Science Museum. We believe that building scientists for the future is less about staring at the stuff on the walls and more about getting your hands dirty. So come together and let's get weird. This is Ashley Bongiorno. Thanks for listening.