Talk about cost accounting

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the importance of cost accounting

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


Indian (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
I would like to talk about caustic only coast, According is the classifications recording and appropriate allocation off expenditure for the determination off the product or services and for two suitable presentation of data for the purpose off control and management. The coast, according normally, includes the cost off job contract, bats, crosses and so on. It normally illustrate the following compartments off the course in aspect off the organization. It includes production, administration selling and distribution. The coast, according not only reveals the amount off course which are relevant with the product or service, but also established the bay and mean to control through, but it understand it cost in order to maintain the profitability or firm most accordance. E is the combination of both the application off costing and cost accounting principles, methods, reckonings to science are and the practice, of course, to control on Dasa. Diamond off profitable d Costa could nt consisted of three compartments. Foster compartment science means that he must have a systematic knowledge off course principles for the discharge of responsibility. Second are it is the next component in the Costa Collinson reveals the ability and skill