ELearning Demo

Video Narration


eLearning and Online Tutorial Demo, Young Adult, Female, Conversational, Relatable, Friendly, Casual

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (Canadian-General) North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Hey, welcome toe on zoom. Online events really experiences in this video. We'll learn how to search for events, purchased tickets and view your account information. Let's begin with the landing page. We'd like to welcome you to the parcel pending family to get accustomed to using your new Voepel, buy online and pick up in locker solution. We'll walk you through the steps to using our Elektronik locker system to deliver a streamlined package retrieval experience. In this video, we'll take you through the following processes how to deliver in order how to pick up in order. Creating a cloud skills challenge is fast free and available Toe FTE s and vendors using your Microsoft dot com credentials to get started, go to the Creator portal at a k a dot M s slash Create A C S C. You'll have to enter your Microsoft credentials if you have not previously authenticated or are using a new browser or device. Now let's jump in and create a challenge. Hey, you got a drone? That's great. But remember what goes up must come down anytime you put something up in the air, you're responsible for it in the U. S. If you want to operate your small drone commercially, you need to become a certified drone operator, bypassing the F A a Part 107 drone certification exam, and that's why you're here today.