2. Narration Demo


Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General) North American (US West Coast - California, Portland) North American (US Western)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
across the grasslands of the Kalahari, the sunset merely signals a new beginning as the earth cools in the fading light zebras. Will the beast and other grazing animals move on there, relinquishing the night to a new cast of characters hidden in the shadows. There is a world few have ever seen, an endless labyrinth of tunnels home to the calories creatures of the night. When the Alex 20 aspirated sample the probe is extended into the specimen tube as sample is drawn, the positive pressure transducer detects. If blockages present, if none is detected, the aspiration process is completed. The greatest playground on Earth Disneyland Resort, an unforgettable vacation destination in the heart of Southern California. The land of endless summers, miracles, air. Not just a gift there also an opportunity. It's one thing to witness a miracle. It's another to plan for it, to nourish it, to work, to sustain it, to engineer it. That's what we do. A Jerusalem College of Technology, the newly introduced LX Siris of clinical analyzers designed for the high volume lab, features this identical design concept. The 21st century is here. Beckman Instruments stands prepared to partner with you in designing a simplified approach to total laboratory automation. That's the power of process