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You searched in Talent: Career Advice


The introductory line used to promote interest. Promos are sometimes referred to as teasers.


The speed at which copy is delivered.


Not a lot of time to read, or referring to a script that has a lot of words and not much time to say them in, e.g., This is a really tight :60.


Literally, the length of a spot. Most Radio spots time in at :60, TV spots at :30.

Time Code

A digital read-out on the engineers console referring to audiotape, videotape positions. Used in film dubbing.


A specific sound or attitude.


Either to record, or the actual audio piece. Were ready to track, as opposed to Listen to this track.


A commercial that promotes a theatrical film or video release. Also referred more specifically as a movie trailer. More recently, trailers are used ...


Dipping down in a sentence and throwing a portion of it away.


The number assigned by AFTRA and SAG to cities throughout the U.S. Each city varies in their amount of unit value by their population. This directly a...

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