Why has my account been deleted?

Understanding Why Your Profile May Have Been Removed

If you find that your Guest account has been removed there could be several reasons why. 
Periodically, we review our Guest Memberships, the descriptions provided for their Voices, contact information and the level of user activity. 
Since all of our members could potentially be contacted by clients, we would like to provide clients with viable options in their search. 
If we come across profiles that are empty or not in use, we will remove them. 
If you have supplied an invalid email address to Voices or our email messages are being returned because they are blocked, we will remove your account as no one would be able to contact you through Voices. 
Should you choose to re-register with more complete information regarding your skills and contact information, we will be happy to guide you in making your presence more visible and getting the most out of your membership using our voice-over marketplace.

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Article Number
First Published
03/05/2021 12:56
Last Modified
03/05/2021 12:56
Profile (Talent)
Public Knowledge Base

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